About This Course:
Is your workers' comp program causing you grief? For instance, are you struggling with open claims? Are you experiencing pushback from your workers' compensation treating physicians? Are you frustrated with claims getting re-opened and your reserves going up every month?
If these or other workers' comp problems are testing your patience, you need some ways to strengthen your program and your profits! And this audio conference will help!
What You'll Learn:Join us for a fast-paced audio conference that provides you with real-world practical tips that you can use - starting immediately - that will help get your workers' comp claims, program, and costs under control.
Our expert will offer proven practical tips that will keep you and your program from going over the edge.
You'll learn:
- 31 real-world practical tips - one for each day of the month - that will help save you time and money
- How to improve your communication with your carrier, your physicians, and your employees
- What specific written policies you need in place so your program works better
- Time-tested ways to minimize your risk of employees suing you
- Strategies that will reduce fraudulent claims and treatments
Top FAQs
What you need to track, when you need to track it, and why
Workers Comp is an insurance that provides certain wage and other benefits to people who are injured or become ill at work. Coverage and benefits are mandated by each individual state and can vary according to the state in question.
Prompt reporting, quick action, managing care, and a return-to-work planning.
Insurance Agents also should understand his or her applicable state's workers' comp rules and requirements, responsibilities of the organization, proper procedures for claims handling and return-to-work, and how to investigate claims of fraud.
oss costs, loss cost multipliers, rates, experience modification factors, schedule credits, premium discounts, expense constant. Unravel the mystery and learn why some employers pay much more than others for the same coverage.
Develop, maintain, and manage the organization's workers' comp program, including communicating with employees, managers, insurance carriers, medical providers, attorneys, and upper management, handling claims, the reporting requirements, medical-related issues, and fraud investigations.